Ready to race your own supermodified online? Join SUPRS Today. It’s as easy as 1,2,3:
- Register as a “User” on (done through the Membership Join Application)
- Fill out the Membership Join Application form below.
- Donate to the Dion Parish Memorial Benevolent Fund for Supermodifieds.

Please use the handy table with links below to navigate through this page. Most links open in a new window, but for those that don’t you can click the “back” arrow on your browser to return to this table. We suggest reading the info found from clicking each link before proceeding to the Membership Join Application.
Please consider the following before attempting to join us at SUPRS:
- We require everyone that wants to race online on the SUPRS Race Server to first register as a “User” of our website. This is done through the membership join form.
- You must fill out the Membership Join Application. Remember, this is an application and SUPRS reserves all rights to accept or deny your application.
- READ THIS PAGE in it’s entirety. We’ve found that those that take the time to look through the information here, have fewer problems when filling out the Membership Join Application.
- If you want to race as a Gold Crest Member, (all sim racing platforms, all awards, prizes, and perks, full website access), you need to make a donation to the Dion Parish Memorial Benevolent Fund for Supermodifieds.
- Be at least 16 years old, (those between the ages of 13-16 may be considered on a per driver instance, with consideration of prior racing experience and level of maturity taken into account for membership eligibility. Anyone joining under those circumstances will be a probationary member, be assigned a SUPRS Mentor until they are 16, or until SUPRS Officials are convinced of their skill and maturity level. Probationary Members may have their membership terminated at any time).
- Please read the Rules carefully. You must agree to our racing rules and Mission Statement as well as site usage rules to race with us.
- Membership donations are non-refundable and due annually according to your join date.
- If you are joining at the Silver Crest or Real Supermodified Racer level, you MUST be present with working microphone for first Sunday Night Test-N-Tune after receiving welcome email and prior to first your race. Failure to do could result in SUPRS Membership being terminated.
- You must have the NASCAR Heat and/or legal copies of rFactor, and/or rFactor2 PC games to race with us.
- Racing numbers are registered on a first come first serve basis. See what numbers are available on our chart below before filling out the join form.
- New members must start at the tail of all events until they have finished their third feature.
- New Members are not allowed their own paint/skin in game until they have finished their third feature.
- Have a good internet connection. Cable, Fiber or the like recommended. Test your numbers HERE.
- Have some type of controller. Wheel & Pedals recommended.
- Have a good computer & graphics card-Check to see if you can run our games HERE.
- Have a microphone for mandatory drivers’ meeting and online chat for use with TeamSpeak 3.
- Allow SUPRS Officials access to your computer via TeamViewer or LiteManager.
- Install and understand how to use SUPRS Sync.
There are four membership plans here at SUPRS:
- Gold Crest Division
- $25.00 donation
- All Access pass to everything SUPRS has to offer
- Weekly and Championship Awards, Prizes
- Run for a SUPRS Season Championship
- New to SUPRS? Race for Rookie of the Year
- Silver Crest Division
- Free
- Open to Public
- Access to SUPRS NASCAR Heat Race Server, tracks, modifications
- Fast Family Plan
- $90.00 donation for 4
- $45.00 donation for 2
- Get the gang together and race each other online at the Gold Crest membership level. (Immediate family members only)
- Real Supermodified Racers
- Current and past real world supermodified racers.
- All Access to everything SUPRS has to offer forever.
- All the perks of a Gold Crest membership.
- Note-
We consider real world supermodified racers as those that have competed in at least three (3) sanctioned events with:
- Retired supermodified drivers are encouraged to join at the Gold Crest level as long as they meet the previous criteria for current sanctions or now defunct sanctions like:
MSA, MSS, NSRA, SMRA, Tri-SAC, NESMRA, WSMRA, WSST, CAMRA, Clovis Speedway, Meridian Speedway, San Jose Speedway, etc. - WE DO NOT CONSIDER THE OSWEGO SPEEDWAY LIMITED SUPERMODIFIED, (SBS SUPERS), or supermodifieds that raced primarily on dirt, as real supermodifieds. If these are the only type of “supermodified” you have raced, you are asked to make a donation to the Dion Parish Memorial Benevolent Fund for Supermodifieds. Thank you.
Item | Gold Crest | Silver Crest | Fast Family | Real Supermodified Racers |
Full Access to Website | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Full Access to Forums | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Subscription to SUPRS Weekly Newsletter | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Eligible to receive race night text updates | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Membership Welcome Pack | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Access to all Mods, upgrades, tracks | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Access to SUPRS TeamSpeak server | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Access to SUPRS Race Server | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Eligible to compete in all SUPRS events | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Eligible to receive handicap | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Eligible for SUPRS Rookie of the Year | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Eligible for SUPRS Option | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Eligible for SUPRS Guaranteed Starter | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Eligible for SUPRS Season Championship | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Eligible for event awards & prizes | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Eligible for SUPRS Season Championship Awards | Yes | No | Yes | Yes |
Supermodified Sim Racing Numbers
What You Need to Know About Registering a Number As a New Member-Available numbers are listed in bold green type.
Retired numbers are never available. This is to honor the drivers that are no longer with us.
The #1 is never available. It is reserved for the Series Champion per Wing and Non-Wing seasons.
Numbers may not be changed during the season regardless of members anniversary date. Members may ask for a number change during off-season and, if it is available, may be granted a new number upon approval by SUPRS.
Numbers are registered to a member and shall be valid for Wing and Non-Wing supermodified seasons regardless of game platform.
Three-Digit numbers are allowed but must be approved by SUPRS (106).
Alpha-Numerical digits/characters are allowed but must be approved by SUPRS (V2).
Drivers may be asked to put the first letter of last name behind their number, (74a).
Retired Numbers-
00-Retired in honor of Terry Gibson
8-Retired in honor of Jim Shampine
21-Retired in honor of Randy Witkum
62-Retired in honor of Dion Parish
78-Retired in honor of Billy Vukovich III
Reserved Numbers-
1: SUPRS Champion
94-110: Rookie Cars
111-120: SUPRS House Cars
Use the search bar to quickly locate a number>>
Number | Status | Number | Status | Number | Status | Number | Status |
1 | Reserved for SUPRS Champion | 31 | Available | 61 | Registered-Derrick Backus | 91 | Available |
2 | Available | 32 | Available | 62 | Retired in Memory of Dion Parish-“Never Give Up”-Dion Parish Memorial Benevolent Fund for Supermodifieds | 92 | Available |
3 | Available | 33 | Available | 63 | Available | 93 | Available |
4 | Available | 34 | Available | 64 | Available | 94 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
5 | Registered-John Davidson | 35 | Registered-Rob Warren | 65 | Available | 95 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
6 | Available | 36 | Available | 66 | Available | 96 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
7 | Registered-Nelson Rodrigues | 37 | Available | 67 | Available | 97 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
8 | Retired in Memory of Jim Shampine-suprs_online | 38 | Available | 68 | Registered-Dawson Hawksby(*PR) | 98 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
9 | Registered-Brad Keysor | 39 | Available | 69 | Available | 99 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
10 | Registered-Gary Waldron | 40 | Available | 70 | Available | 100 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
11 | Available | 41 | Registered-Keith Powell | 71 | Registered-Ray Sand, Jr. | 101 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
12 | Registered-Anthony Corsoniti | 42 | Registered-Carl Becker | 72 | Available | 102 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
13 | Registered-Ryan Cloonan | 43 | Available | 73 | Available | 103 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
14 | Registered-Bobby Hayduk | 44 | Available | 74 | Available | 104 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
15 | Available | 45 | Available | 75 | Registered-Jeremy Kingsley | 105 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
16 | Available | 46 | Available | 76 | Available | 106 | Reserved-SUPRS Rookie Cars |
17 | Registered-Chuck Mefford | 47 | Available | 77 | Registered-Kevin Timmins | 107 | Available |
18 | Available | 48 | Available | 78 | Retired in Memory of Billy Vukovich III-@SUPRSOnline | 108 | Available |
19 | Available | 49 | Available | 79 | Registered-Myles Maxon | 109 | Available |
20 | Available | 50 | Available | 80 | Available | 110 | Available |
21 | Retired-in Memory of Randy Witkum-SUPRS | 51 | Available | 81 | Available | 00 | Retired-in Memory of Terry Gibson |
22 | Available | 52 | Available | 82 | Available | 01 | Available |
23 | Available | 53 | Available | 83 | Available | 02 | Available |
24 | Available | 54 | Available | 84 | Available | 03 | Available |
25 | Registered-Bob Gangwer | 55 | Registered-Steve Callahan | 85 | Available | 04 | Available |
26 | Available | 56 | Registered-Dick Schuler | 86 | Available | 05 | Available |
27 | Available | 57 | Available | 87 | Available | 06 | Available |
28 | Available | 58 | Available | 88 | Available | 07 | Available |
29 | Available | 59 | Available | 89 | Available | 08 | Registered-Danny Ray |
30 | Available | 60 | Available | 90 | Available | 09 | Available |
5n | Registered-Mike Netishen | 7CA | Registered-AJ RussellR | 0o | Registered-Marcus Averys(*PR) |
If you have already registered and/or made a donation, please do not continue with the SUPRS Membership Join Application below. Please fill out our Alternate Membership Join Application, form instead, as the embedded form found on this page is for those that are registering as a first time user of and have not already made a donation.
If you continue with the form below and have already registered and/or made a donation, it creates a lot of extra work for us, and a lot of frustration for you.
If you’ve never registered as a user of, continue on.
Please Note:
All Membership Join Application are processed within 24 hours during normal, non-USA holiday, business hours, (7-5pm EST) Monday-Friday.
Registering as a “User” on the website elsewhere on this site DOES NOT mean that you have joined SUPRS. If you want to have access to our files and race with us online you must fill out the form above with your real name and a real email address.
We will check your Membership Join Application and once we receive a notification that you have donated, (if you are joining at the Gold Crest Division level), and if approved by SUPRS officials, you will have full access to race with us along with our outstanding technical support and members only perks.
If you are joining at the Silver Crest or Real Supermodified Racer level, once approved you must be present with working microphone for first Sunday Night Test-N-Tune after receiving welcome email and prior to your first race. You too will have access for one year and will be able to compete online against other racers.
Regardless of which SUPRS membership level you join at, you will receive a welcome email with more details and helpful links to get you prepared to race with the original online supermodified sim racing sanction! You will also be contacted by our SUPRS Membership Coordinator.
Understand that we do not ever allow:
- Sexually explicit text, graphics, or references on your car, avatar or profile.
- Federally illegal drug, (including marijuana), text, graphics, or references on your car, avatar, or profile.
- Text, graphics or references to gang related organizations including drug, motorcycle and hot rod gangs.
- Satanic or occult text, graphics, or references on your car, avatar, or profile.
- Text, graphics or references on your car, avatar, or profile that are considered racial slurs, racially motivated.
- Text, graphics or references on your car, avatar, or profile to known organizations that promote racial bigotry and hatred. This includes but is not limited to: rebel flags, the KKK, Black Panthers, terrorist groups, etc.
- Foul language.
- Flaming of SUPRS and/or any members (this is more defined in the Rule Book).
- Race Night Chatter in any form when cars are on track (this is more defined in the Rule Book).
A Note for New Members
New Members, if you are joining SUPRS for the first time and at the Gold Crest level, please select “Gold Crest” to make your membership donation once you have completed the Membership Join Application by clicking one of the three elongated Pay Pal buttons below the Membership Join Application form. You will be re-directed to our Pay-Pal page, and once you have made your Gold Crest donation you will be automatically signed up to receive our SUPRS Weekly Newsletter and re-directed back to Please list “New Gold Crest” in the blank box or notes if available. It will help us process your membership quicker.
A Note for Returning Members
Returning Members and former members that do not need to update their membership info, or Silver Crest Members wishing to upgrade to Gold Crest, there is no need to fill out the SUPRS Join Application again unless you have been inactive for several years. Please use the button below by selecting Gold Crest, then entering “Gold Crest renewal” or “Silver Crest Upgrade” in the blank box above the Donate button.
Renew Your Membership
More Details on Membership Levels
Gold Crest Division:
- We believe that to drive “The Ultimate Online Sim Race Car” you have to be one of the best sim racers around. The Gold Crest Division represents the finest pilots in SUPRS and gives you the chance to run for the Gold!
- Good for one year:
- Membership donation is due annually from the date of original donation.
- Gold Crest Division members are eligible to run for a SUPRS Championship, all advertised prizes, gift, awards, and more. (see Chart).
- All Gold Crest Division members will stay in the Gold Crest Division indefinitely.
- Exceptions:
- Missing 5 races in a row without contacting a SUPRS Official
- SUPRS will consider that person uninterested in continuing their SUPRS membership and that driver will be placed on the “Inactive” roster until such time his/her membership expires or he/she shows up to three (3) races in a row.
- Registered car number of member will be added back into the pool for others to use.
- Infractions:
- Demotion
- Gold Crest driver is demoted to Silver Crest for infractions or actions deemed harmful by SUPRS Officials.
- Demotion
- Missing 5 races in a row without contacting a SUPRS Official
- Exceptions:
Silver Crest Division:
We want everyone to be able to enjoy racing a supermodified online. With the Silver Crest membership level you can get your feet wet racing a NASCAR Heat supermodified online, make new friends and enjoy some of the benefits of that SUPRS has to offer. Please see Chart above for more specifics on this level of racing with SUPRS.
All new members are REQUIRED to join at this basic level if they wish to race online with SUPRS. Exceptions:
1) Previous SUPRS Champions are not allowed to race in Silver Crest
2) Previous SUPRS members may not be allowed to race in Silver Crest
3) Invited guests of the league are usually considered Silver Crest Members
4) Real world supermodified racers are always considered Gold Crest Members
- All Silver Crest Division members will stay in the Silver Crest Division indefinitely.
- Exceptions:
- Missing 5 races in a row without contacting a SUPRS Official
- SUPRS will consider that person uninterested in continuing their SUPRS membership and that driver will be placed on the “Inactive” roster until such time his/her membership expires or he/she shows up to three (3) races in a row.
- Registered car number of member will be added back into the pool for others to use.
- Upgrading Membership level to Gold Crest
- Any Silver Crest Member may upgrade their Membership level to Gold Crest at any time.
- Missing 5 races in a row without contacting a SUPRS Official
- Exceptions:
Here’s a look at the current supermodified chassis we have available. While one type doesn’t offer any advantage over another from a performance standpoint, you may find that some are easier to drive because of personal preferences compared to others. Just like real supermodifieds each one is a little bit different than the other from a visual reference. And just because you choose a particular chassis on the Join Application, doesn’t mean you are locked into that chassis choice in the future. You can see even more examples of each car when you visit our Galleries Page!
Got more questions about joining SUPRS? We’d love to answer them today! Contact us HERE
Please Note: SUPRS reserves the right to refuse, terminate, and/or revise any registered driver’s membership due to actions deemed detrimental to SUPRS and/or supermodified racing. Donations to the Dion Parish Memorial Benevolent Fund for Supermodifieds are not refundable. By filling out the Membership Join Application form you agree to these terms.