We love it when our fans, friends, members and website visitors contact us! Use this form to get ahold of us and a representative from SUPRS will be in touch with you as soon as possible.
If you prefer you can call us at 516-667-0462. If we don’t get your call, please leave a voicemail and we will return your call during normal business hours. Our hours are M-F 8:00am-10pm. We are open by appointment Saturday, Closed Sundays until 8pm, Closed on all U.S.A. Holidays.
Perhaps there are some answers to a question you may have about SUPRS. Have you read about our history or why we aren’t your ordinary online sim racing league? We also have an in-depth Help Guide and F.A.Q.’s page that will explain a lot about racing online in general and with SUPRS.
If you still have questions about the Supermodified Ultimate Pavement Racing Series, the website, or the Dion Parish Memorial Benevolent Fund for Supermodifieds, please fill out the contact form.
If you are ready to become a SUPRS member please visit our Join Page.
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