December 14, 2018 – Goshen, IN…Here at the Supermodified Ultimate Pavement Racing Series, (SUPRS), we believe that Christmas is a very special time of year. In this day and age of of an ‘always on’ and ‘constantly connected’ world, we also think it’s the best time of the year to take a break from supermodified sim racing. So we’re putting supermodified sim racing on hold for a couple of weeks.

Christmas Break is Important
We want to remind all of our SUPRS Members, fans, friends, family and business partners, that our annual 2-week Christmas Break begins at the close of business on Friday, December 14, 2018 and lasts until Wednesday, January 2, 2019. We feel this time away from sim racing is important and hope that our members have plenty of time to travel and spend time with family.
Since the beginning of SUPRS in 2004, we have stressed the importance of family and we believe that focusing on that is more important than #simracing. and it’s what sets us apart from other leagues or sanctions.
SUPRS urges all of members, friends, fans, & followers to take this time to disconnect from racing on the web, put down their cell phones, and shut off the internet to focus on the important things in life.
Submitting Join Forms
Sim racers wishing to go supermodified sim racing with SUPRS can still submit their Membership Join Forms during our break. However, we want to remind everyone that Join Forms won’t be processed until we are back in the office after the New Year on January 2, 2019.
This also means that Member’s Only Access won’t be available to new members until after January 2, 2019. We’ll do our best to get any new members set up and ready to race the 15th Annual Crazy Canuck Snowball Derby, so if you DO submit a Join Form during break, please make sure that you have done everything on your part to be ready to race. You can learn more in our F.A.Q and rFactor Quick Start Guide.
General Emails and Press Releases
We will continue to watch our email for time sensitive press releases from supermodified sanctions, tracks, and teams to decide if any are of a time sensitive nature. General email processing is on hold until January 2, 2019.
PR representatives should contact us via our Contact Page if they have something very important that needs to go out immediately on Otherwise, all incoming email from PR departments is considered bulk mail and those releases will be added to our website upon our return to business.
Heading to Canada When We Resume
After the first of the year, it’s time to get ready for the 15th Annual Crazy Canuck Snowball Derby at Mosport Speedway. We’ll fire up the SUPRS Race and TeamSpeak servers at 6:00 pm on January 2, 2018. for this race.
SUPRS Members can plan on an extended Systems Check prior to the race and should be prepared to run SUPRS Sync beginning at 6:00pm. Race times remain the same and can be found on our Schedule Page.
Merry Christmas to All
Thank you to all the SUPRS Members, sponsors, friends, fans, and followers that supported SUPRS in 2018. We appreciate your passion for sim racing, SUPRS, and more importantly REAL supermodified racing.
We want to wish all of you a wonderful Christmas season filled with peace, love, health and happiness. May every joy and blessing be yours at Christmas time and throughout the New Year.
Christmas Break Notes:
5:00pm est, Friday December 14, 2018 to 8:00am est Wednesday January 2, 2019
- No Races, No Sunday Night Test-N-Tune, No Thursday A/B Testing
- SUPRS Race Servers, SUPRS TeamSpeak Servers shutdown.
- Membership Join Form processing and general replies to emails will be put on hold.
- Social Media,, and SUPRS Weekly updates on hold.
8:00am est, Wednesday January 2, 2019
- Back in office. Social Media, updates resume.
- Membership Join Forms Processing resumes.
- SUPRS Weekly mailed.
6:00pm est, Wednesday January 2 2018:
- SUPRS Race Servers, SUPRS TeamSpeak Servers re-opened.
- SUPRS Sync started.
- SUPRS Sunday Night Test-N-Tune, Thursday A/B Testing & NASCAR Heat Race servers re-opened.
- 15th Annual Crazy Canuck Snowball Derby Systems Checks.
8:00pm est, Tuesday January 2, 2018:
15th Annual
Crazy Canuck Snowball Derby
and Can-Am Challenge
January 2, 2019
SUPRS Mosport Speedway**
50 Lap Wing Supermodified Sim Race
- Systems Checks & SUPRS Sync: 6:00pm
- Practice: 8:00pm
- Driver’s Meeting: 8:15pm
- Time Trials: 8:30pm
- Racing: 9:05pm
“Supermodified Sim Racing for the Right Reasons” since 2004