SUPRS Schedule for 12th Season Has New Twists

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12th SUPRS Online Supermodified Schedule Starts October 20 October 16, 2015 – Goshen, IN…The Supermodified Ultimate Pavement Racing Series, (SUPRS), has officially released the Gold Crest Wing Supermodified Championship schedule, and there’s some new twists added along with many familiar dates. One glance at the new SUPRS schedule and one will quickly realize that online sim supermodified racers will have their work cut out for them as they battle for the championship over the course of… Keep Reading

Gangwer Grabs SUPRS Summit Classic 125

suprs season summit classic 124 poster by breezegraphics
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Bob Gangwer Wins First Summit Classic 125 after Eleven Years of Trying Madera, CA – April 29, 2015…It may have taken him 11 years, but Bob Gangwer made the last regularly scheduled NASCAR Heat race of the Supermodified Ultimate Pavement Racing Series his finest when he won the Summit Classic 125 at Madera Speedway. Myles Maxon came home second and officially won his third SUPRS Gold Crest Wing Championship while Steve Callahan finished in third place…. Keep Reading

Maxon Doubles Up at IRP

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Myles Maxon Wins Both Indyana Supermodified Challenge Features at Indianapolis Raceway Park April 22, 2015 – Claremont, IN …Myles Maxon doubled up at the final two races of the 2014-15 Supermodified Ultimate Pavement Racing Series, (SUPRS), Indyana Supermodified Challenge at Indianapolis Raceway Park on Wednesday and locked down the ISC Regional Tour Championship.  Speedway. It wrapped up a two day trek through the Hoosier state where Maxon finished no worse than second over the course… Keep Reading

SUPRS Hurrying to Hoosier State

Indyana Supermodified Challenge graphic
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Goshen, IN – April 17, 2015…The Supermodified Ultimate Pavement Racing Series, (SUPRS), will visit the Hoosier State for a two night extravaganza of online simulated supermodified racing next week to close the 2015 Indyana Supermod Challenge series. With only two weeks left in the 2014-15 SUPRS Gold Crest Wing Championship schedule, there’s no slowing down for the competitors that are looking to gain those last few points. Racing over the course of two nights, the… Keep Reading

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